Tapete Lo que el hombre se llevó (Gone with Mankind mat)
Designers have an important role when it’s about raising awareness. As an agent for change, our active participation takes place, for instance, as we create an object, using sustainable materials or developing and exposing a concept. Ariel Rojo creates a thought-provoking scenario that strives to raise awareness on the proper use and rationing of forests. Besides being a comment on environmental issues, this mat is pure experimentation. A horizontal, bi-dimensional object, a surface, becomes a three-dimensional one, acquires volume and verticality. It can be used to take a seat or to lean on, to reconsider and think what really has been gone with mankind. Meanwhile, designers, seen as creators of desire, have a great responsibility; as new issues arise, they should be responding to those issues, reacting to them. But the active change is in the hands of spectators. There lies the potential of designers: they can be thought instigators and provocateurs.